Something I have seen a few times, this time I recorded it.. see the mouths on them. At st charbels church in punchbowl , sydney 19 th july during service.. To clarify for the viewers... i saw this during mass and at the end of mass the rosary is prayed. I went to the altar and wanted to confirm via recording it... lights are not relevant and there flickering etc as i have seen this occur under various lighting and have considered those possibilities. It is what it is... I also did notice whilst the people were praying the lips sped up or slowed down to the prayer been said ....God bless you all .To add to this. Please know this also occurs to the image of St Charbel and St Rita. Also st Josephs in croyden God willing I will capture this for you all. This occurs when you pray the rosary or many prayers after each other as an example like during mass during the apostles creed and the our father. If you don't believe, I usually go on 7pm mass sundays and will help you see it for yourself.. key word is help you I cannot guarantee any person this vision but am confident that many will
Posted by George Akary on Domingo, 19 de julho de 2015
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