O restaurante italiano Casa Nostra, em Brisbane (Austrália), postou um vídeo no Instagram que prova que uma cliente plantara um fio de cabelo seu em um prato para comer de graça.
A mulher, que estava acompanhada à mesa, estava ameaçando fazer uma avaliação ruim do restaurante no site "Trip Advisor", se o dinheiro gasto por ela não fosse devolvido.
Os donos do Casa Nostra não cederam à chantagem e a avaliação negativa foi postada. Para desmascarar a cliente e limpar o nome do restaurante, eles postaram o vídeo.
Sarah Biuso, proprietária do estabelecimento, disse que mulher fez muitas exigências para trocar ingredientes do seu prato.
"Como não comeu o que queria, não quis pagar por aquilo", disse ela, segundo reportagem do "Sun". "Era óbvio que o cabelo, louro e crespo, era dela. Todos temos cabelo escuro aqui", acrescentou.
Assista à farsa:
The Customer Is Always Right hey?????? Look what we, and other food business owners have to deal with on a regular basis. We work hard every single day to give our customers an amazing experience in our restaurant and then you find people like this who decide to try and blackmail us for a hair in their meal. As you can see, she put her own hair in the plate, stirred it around and insisted the waiter remove it from her as she was so offended. FYI they tried to pretend it was a man and woman, but it was two women and both wrote a review. We could see 101% it was the customers hair and that is the reason why we did not remove this dish from the bill. Because we did not remove the dish from the bill, they told us explicitly that they would post bad reviews on Trip Advisor, which they did. Trip Advisor has a no blackmail policy for reviews and if you inform them in advance, they say they will not post them. Ummm no, we emailed them on the night this happened saying the customers threatened us with these bad reviews and we gave them easily identifiable information. Yep, you guessed it, the reviews are posted on Trip Advisor for all the world to see. Once again Trip Advisor publishes whatever they want for the world to see with no regards to the blood sweat and tears of business owners and our complete inability to control or withdraw fake and blackmailed reviews from these sites. Trip Advisor have been sued successfully in the past over similar incidents. Any other business owners have similar experiences and have had enough? We are in talks with our lawyer in regards to pursuing a case for defamation. Please share as much as possible to show the world what's going on.
Uma publicação compartilhada por Casa Nostra Ristorante (@casanostraristorante) em Mar 1, 2017 às 2:29 PST
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